先后在《Nature》、《Plant Physiology》及《Journal of Experimental Botany》等国际知名刊物上发表SCI收录论文21篇。首次提出了非呼吸跃变型果实成熟调控的信号转导分子机制,这一研究成果于2011年发表在国际著名的综合植物期刊Plant Physiology上,目前被SCI(Science Citation Index)期刊他引已达156次,属于ESI (Essential Science Indicators)高被引论文,成为了果实发育重要研究论文。先后主持国家重点研发计划子课题,国家自然科学基金、北京市自然科学基金等14项课题。2014年入选北京市属高校“特色果树种质创新与果实品质形成”创新团队带头人,2016年入选“科技北京百名领军人才”培养工程。
[1]Guo JX,Wang SF,Yu X,Dong R,Li YZ,Mei XR,Shen YY
. Polyamines regulate strawberry fruit ripening by abscisic acid, auxin, and ethylene.Plant Physiology,2018, 177:339-351.
[2] Jia HF, Chai YM, Li CL, Lu D, Luo JJ, Qin L,Shen YY
. Abscisic acid plays an important role in the regulation of strawberry fruit ripening.Plant Physiology,2011, 157(1):188-199.
[3] Hou BZ, Cheng X, Shen YY
. A leu-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase, FaRIPK1, interacts with the ABA receptor FaABAR to regulate fruit ripening in strawberry (Fragaria×ananassa).Journal of Experimental Botany, 2018,69:1569-1582.
[3] Jia HF, Lu, D, Sun JH, Li CL, Xing Y, Qin L, Shen YY
. Type 2C protein phosphatase ABI1 is a negative regulator for strawberry fruit ripening.Journal of Experimental Botany, 2013, 64: 1677–1687.
[4]Chai YM,Jia HF,Li CL,Dong QH, Shen YY
. FaPYR1 is involved in strawberry fruit ripening.Journal of Experimental Botany, 2011, 62:5079-5089.
[5] Wang QH, Zhao C, Zhang M, Li YZ,Shen YY
, Guo JX. Transcriptome analysis around the onset of strawberry fruit ripening uncovers an important role of oxidative phosphorylation in ripening. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 41477.
[6] Song MY, Wang SF, Chai L, Zhang SH,Shen YY
. Characterization of an ABA-induced and k+ channel gene FaKAT1 that regulates strawberry fruit ripening.Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2017, 36:312–322.
[7] Sun JH, Luo JJ, Tian L, Li CL, Xing Y,Shen YY
. New evidence for the role of ethylene in strawberry fruit ripening.Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2013, 32:461–470.
[8] Jia HF, Chai YM, Li CL, Qin L,Shen YY
.Cloning and characterization of the H subunit of a magnesium chelatase gene(PpCHLH) in peach.Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2011, 30(4): 445-455.
[9] Zhang SH, Hou BZ, Chai L, Yang AZ, Yu XY,Shen YY
. Sigma factor FaSigE positively regulates strawberry fruit ripening by ABA.Plant Growth Regulation, 2017, 83:417–427.
[10]Zhao C, Hua LN, Liu XF, Li YZ,Shen YY
, Guo JX. Sucrose synthase FaSS1 plays an important role in the regulation of strawberry fruit ripening.Plant Growth Regulation, , 2017, 81:175–181
[11] Sun JH, Dong YH, Li CL,Shen YY
. Transcription and enzymatic analysis of beta-glucosidase VvBG1in grape berry ripening.Plant Growth Regulation,2015, 75:67–73.
[12]Chai YM, Zhang Q, Tian L, Li CL, Xing Y, Qin L,Shen YY
.Brassinosteroid is involved in strawberry fruit ripening.Plant Growth Regulation, 2013, 69:63–69.
[13]Li CL,Jia HF,Chai YM,Shen YY
. Abscisic acid perception and signaling transduction in strawberry: A model for non-climacteric fruit ripening.Plant Signaling & Behavior.2011, 6: 1950 -1953.
[14] Jia HF, Li CL, Chai YM, Xing Y,Shen YY
. Sucrose promotes strawberry fruit ripening by stimulation of abscisic acid biosynthesis.Pak. J. Bot., 2013, 45: 169-175.
[15] Chai L, Shen YY
. FaABI4 is involved in strawberry fruit ripening.Scientia Horticulturae, 2016, 210: 34–40.
[16] Sun JH, Dong YH,Shen YY
, Guo JX.Enzymatic and functional analysis of glucosidase FaBG1 during strawberry fruit ripening.Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2014, 89: 733–739.
[17] Tian L, Jia HF, Li CL, Fan PG, Xing Y,Shen YY
. Sucrose accumulation during grape berry and strawberry fruit ripening is controlled predominantly by sucrose synthase activity. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2012, 87: 661–667.
[18]Li CL, Fang KF, Li CL, Fang KF, Lei H, Xing Y,Shen YY
.Phloem unloading follows an extensive apoplastic pathway in developing strawberry fruit fruit.Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2012, 87 (5): 470–477.
[19] Hua LN, Zang M, Wang SF, Li YZ, Shen YY
, Guo JX.Cloning, silencing, and prokaryotic expression of strawberry sucrose synthase gene FaSus1. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 2016, 92:107-112.
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